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Art Koroma

Biography of Art Koroma

Art Koroma is a profound legal adviser and a professional journalist. 'Ordu,' as he is fondly called by all, is the author of Oracle of Success and Holy Axiom. Born and raised in Lokomasama Chiefdom, Port Loko District, Sierra Leone, the author did his primary education at Petifu Lokomasama and his secondary education in Lungi and later, Freetown, the capital city of Sierra Leone.

In Europe, Art Koroma obtained a Master of Mass Media Law – at the University of Leeds, United Kingdom, Bachelor of Law (Hons) in Media Law and Criminal Justice – Online University of Pretoria, South Africa, Diploma in General Journalism – London, United Kingdom; Diploma in Journalism, School of Journalism, United Kingdom; Diploma in Novel Writing and Short Story Writing – University of Leeds, United Kingdom. Art's journey to Europe has opened a window of opportunity for him, as he has not only been opportune to meet people from Africa, Asia, and Europe but he has also  been able to learn and adapt to new cultures and new ways of life.